Pip Tuppen Counsellor for Tunbridge Wells and Central London W1

FAQ #01

What does psychodynamic mean?

I work mainly from a psychodynamic perspective, believing we all come with our own story. Working psychodynamically involves thinking about your individual life story and experiences in relation to your current problems or distress. There are often strong links between the two and through understanding these we can work towards changing ways of thinking, feeling and relating to others.
We may also start to notice habits or patterns that you tend to repeat in relationships. Gaining an awareness of these can give you the freedom and confidence to alter unhelpful or destructive ways of relating and behaving.
Although my training is mainly psychodynamic I value working with an eclectic, holistic approach; drawing on whatever knowledge or thinking may be of benefit.

What is the difference between counselling and psychotherapy?

Different people use the words counselling and psychotherapy in different ways, so there is no commonly agreed definition.
It is generally felt that a psychotherapist can offer more in-depth work where appropriate. The difference can also lie in the length and depth of training involved and in the quality of the relationship between the client and their therapist.
As a counsellor and psychotherapist I have undergone an extensive training and will spend time working with each individual to find the best way forward in each situation.

How do I start?

Firstly, you can make contact by emailing me at pip.tuppen@hotmail.co.uk or by phone on 07511 526 927. I will get back to you as soon as possible and see if we can arrange a time to meet. We all have different personalities and it is very important when looking for a therapist, to find someone that you feel you can connect with and talk to. The initial consultation is a mutual process, for you to see how you feel with me and for me to get to know a bit about you and what you would like to get from counselling. There is no obligation to continue after this initial meeting.

What happens next?

If, after our initial meeting, we feel that you would benefit from starting counselling we will discuss a convenient day and time to meet each week. Sessions will last for 50 minutes.

How long will it take?

This will depend on your needs. Some people have a very specific reason for seeking counselling and would like this to be the focus of the work. For others the immediate cause of their difficulties is less apparent and may be of a more deep-seated nature, which would require a longer, more open-ended approach. This is something that we can think about together following our initial consultation.

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