Pip Tuppen Counsellor for Tunbridge Wells and Central London W1

About Counselling. minitree


It is estimated that one in four adults are experiencing significant emotional difficulties at any one time.

When we have problems or are in distress it can help to talk. Although we often rely on friends and family for support, sometimes finding a warm, empathic professional who is specially trained to listen and understand can be of benefit.

About Counselling. Pussy willow


So­me­ti­mes we get stuck in pat­terns and it seems as if the­re is no way out. Counselling can help us be­co­me awa­re of these patterns that we repeat, un­der­stand them and change them if we wish.
Reflecting on experiences and exploring your difficulties in a quiet, comfortable space can enable you to make effective changes and find a way forward so that your life feels more manageable and fulfilled.

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